Sunday, 16 November 2014

Project Evaluation


As far as I've worked on this project, I feel like I've done a good job trying to get my ideas to work but instead had to make combinations and compromises to meet the deadline.

I've made occasional updates to my blog of my ideas, mostly in bulk as personally, I am unsure of what I should be showing off on it.

All of my ideas had levels of ambition that wouldn't have been possible to fully make with the project time but because of that, I've been able to take elements from some of them into my final product such as the idea of pulses (1st idea) but they are used to activate beacons (initial Construct 2 idea) to make the invisible platforms appear.

What I feel most proud of during the project would be my research on games as an art form, as I was able to generate more ideas after breaking them down a bit and maybe taking the mechanics or artistic style. My 3rd and 5th ideas are examples of this. My inspirations weren't limited to just games as I even got inspiration from an animation called Out of Sight, which was the product of my pulse idea.

Improvements I need to make include being able to generate multiple ideas and try not to stay attached to one, making goals that are realistically achievable within the project time limit, work on annotations between the research and ideas, updating the blog more regularly and improve on the quality of assets.

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