Friday, 27 February 2015

Analysis of Work (2nd Project)

Analysis of Work

On this project, I have not done as much work as I could have done within the last 12 weeks of work as there hasn’t been a significant improvement over the mistakes I’ve made last project.

Unlike the last project, I had forgotten to make regular blog updates but I have at least saved my documents, ideas and research in word format, ready to be imported into blogger.

As for my actual work, there has been a noticeable improvement as the ideas I’ve had for this project were reasonable to make within the time frame given and there are even more sources for me to get ideas from such as the Road Safety app. From the drag and drop mechanic from the seatbelt mini-game to the how success’ and failures were presented in the drunk driving part.

I feel most proud of my final product of the game because to date, I have put the most amount of effort into it despite the fact it still has various flaws and bugs (such as the disappearing characters and score displaying incorrectly along with the driver’s seat being on the left side, a huge oversight) which I didn’t have time to fully iron out without breaking something else.
I had also made good use of the assets provided from the original app to help simulate how my own mini-game would fit into the app, using the mascot, the fonts and the graphics for the lives and start/game over screens.

Improvements that need to be made are: to do the research segment of future projects better, make sure there is enough time to iron out any common/uncommon bugs or problems in the game to make it more polished and always triple check through work or ask someone else to check it.

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